Shifting Cynicism

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

2013 Resolutions

the new year came and went, it was just another fucking lonely day for me. spent the day painting the room. Bought two nice sidetables.

 but i thought long and hard this time about resolutions:

1.       Complete a full marathon
2.       Learn Cantonese
3.       Finish any one Chinese novel by hook or by crook
4.       Speak mandarin to anyone at least once a day
5.       Write some Chinese characters EVERY SINGLE day
6.       Make own breakfast at least 3 times a week when not travelling
7.       Learn to cook something new once a month.
8.       Know by heart at least 7 different ‘special’ food
9.       Find 3 new good, quality friends
10.   Travel out of Asia (Europe/NZ) or go on a major adventure somewhere
11.   Make sure shoes are shiny every day
12.   Start two new 21-day beneficial habit
13.   Bench press 80kg
14.   Re-learn freestyle swimming
15.   Buy at least one gift for mom
16.   Find a facial skin care routine
17.   Forget previous family problems and try to start anew
18.   Always strive to be the bigger man
19.   Continue in the cultivation of the good behaviour of the sophisticated man
20.   Look up to the sky for 3 seconds every time I have a bad thought
21. Approach a really hot woman cold and strike a conversation


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