Shifting Cynicism

Monday, February 07, 2011

Why I am Depressed

The new year holidays went and it didn't mean a thing to me.
Almost like i didn't cross over to the new year, and that time stopped for a few days.

I stayed home almost all the time, only going out to get some food. Surfed the net, learnt chinese lyrics and skyped with women in china.

Meaningless crap really just trying hard to forget my troubles. Anxiety about family and especially Pa were never far from my mind.

The first two days were the hardest, it felt so cold and lonely. Felt like i was moving around with a cloud of anger, frustration, extreme guilt and sorrow engulfing my head. It was difficult to sleep, digest my food, watch the tv or do anything without my mind being beseiged by problems. The major issues were guilt for leaving home, and not having done anyhting for my parents for so long; and stupis shits at work.

I am a miserable depressive loner.

Sources of my depression:

1. Unstable, unhappy job
2. Family communication problem
3. No friends
4. Sexual Frustration
5. Driving and Old Junk


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